Venturing into the crafty world...
Today I went on a glorious adventure into the land of paper mache. Or papier mache. I'm not sure how it's spelled and I think there's supposed to be an accent over the e in mache, but I don't know how to make it go. So you get paper mache. Behold:

This ball of goo will soon become part of my master plan for my Halloween costume. While at the moment it looks suspiciously like a ball of goo surrounding a balloon that is hanging above the sink in my kitchen, it is actually the first phase of an essential accessory for my costume. What is my costume, you ask? It'll have to wait until Saturday. That's when I'm sure there will be photographic evidence. I will tell you, however, that the goo ball is going to be a ball in its next life. That's really all I can say on the subject. No further questions please.
In knitting land, disaster struck this afternoon when I arrived home and kicked off my shoes. What could this possibly be?

There is a hole in the toe of one of my Baudelaire socks. Not just like...a huge stitch or anything, but I have physically snapped the yarn at the toe and it is now doing its best to unravel, and I have absolutely no idea how to stop it! No! It cannot be! My precious Baudelaire sock! Such a shame! I need to figure out how to fix this crisis to prevent it going any well as just for the sake of my own knowledge.
Lastly, I present this:

"This" is a swatch that I made for a design I've been drooling over in my brain for the last few weeks. It's for a really summery halter top, and some kind of starry-flower thingamajig (such as this particular one) belongs in it. This is really a doily pattern I found on Ravelry. I have to tweak it to make it so that it's not knit in the round, but still maintains some of the features that I really like. This wouldn't be all that difficult to do...if I just had some time to sit down and do it! I think this weekend will be an excellent opportunity. Almost all of my midterms are done, and the Halloween partying shall commence. Yes, oh yes, it shall.
Also, note to reader - today's pictures were brought to you by the shiny new laptop I am now in possession of. It has a webcam on it, and I figured the webcam quality pictures would at least be a teensy bit clearer (and less glowy) than my digital camera pictures. So I apologize for some of the weird angles in the pictures, but at least I've got a method of providing evidence effectively now!
That's all, stay tuned for updates on the gooball, and hooray for tomorrow being Friday!
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