Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Feeling grumbly...

Ever just have a day or two (or even a month or something) where you just feel grumpy, for not really any reason? I'm in a funk like this. It was worse yesterday, but it has kind of carried over into today. I'm not upset with anyone or anything, I'm just kind of..."eh" about things at the moment. I did have a few moments of sheer idiocy this week that may have contributed to this grumbly feeling, however.

  • Upon arriving home monday morning and moving to make myself some coffee before work, I managed to peel back the lid of the tub 'o coffee, catch coffee grounds with the edge of the lid, and fling coffee grounds into a corner of my kitchen. Grumbling ensued, and I was 15 minutes late to work cleaning it up.
  • This morning, after eating my breakfast and drinking my coffee before work, I stood up to leave the house when I checked my pocket and found my keys were missing. I ran upstairs to check my purse - nope. Ran back downstairs and checked around in all of my knitting stuff - nope. Checked my backpack - nope. I finally discovered the keys were already in the pocket of my sweatshirt, which I had on under my jacket. I am ten minutes late to work (I don't think anyone noticed).
  • Upon arriving to work, I discover that I have completely forgotten to bring my usual can 'o soup lunch. I even have a can opener in my bag, but no soup. I do, however, have a granola bar. This probably will not sustain me until six, so after Japanese, I go to a place on campus to see what I can get a lot of for cheap. Panda express sells a pretty big box of fried rice for $2.85. Perfect, that'll do it. I order my rice, go to pay for it, and hand the girl my card. "EXPIRED!" she says! I want to slap myself in the face. I have the new one at home, I just completely forgot it. So I relinquish my treasured debit card and trundle on back to work.
I'm currently reporting from work, and I'm kind of afraid to move for fear that I will cause a small explosion, what with the luck I've been having. On the bright side of things, however, I have a bunch of yummy rice to eat, I have some homework to do so I can stay busy, and I only have one more day of "blah-ness" (that's a technical term) until the weekend is finally here. My goodness, it can't come fast enough.

Last night I took some pictures of things in the works. I bought some yarn yesterday for a friend who has asked for a hat:

This is one skein each of lamb's pride superwash in Lichen (the green) and Sable (the brown). 200 yards in each ball, and it's something that can be thrown in the washing machine without worry, which I figured was a good idea for something a college-age man is wearing. I just have to somehow get him to remember not to throw it in the dryer.

Next, I've nearly got the first of Nathan's gloves finished:

It would have been done a couple days ago, but I just typically don't have much time to sit and knit when I'm here at home. I hope to finish this off tonight - it'll give me a week to do glove number two. I like it when I don't have to rush projects.

Lastly, just for giggles, here's the sock that reminded me that I am perfectly capable of making stupid decisions for no apparent reason. It looks so pretty and innocent in its reds and whites...the cuff simply calls out: "try me on!"

So what can I do but listen to the sock? After all, I am merely a weak mortal, and this sock is too tempting to pass up. Of course, this is when I am slapped in the face:

I sigh, and repeat to myself slowly: "I like knitting. I like knitting. I like knitting" before reaching for that superwash beanie on the circular needle. Silly.


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