Getting organized
Yesterday when I came home, I walked in and one of the first things my lovely roomie said to me was: "Hey, do you think you can move your knitting stuff to the cupboard under the bar?"
I started nodding before I even looked at the mountain that had started to form around the chair I had been sitting in lately. I'd been meaning to take the stuff back upstairs or at least try to figure out a way to make some semblance of order out of all my knitting bags and baskets. Somehow about half of my stash (and my needle box) had managed to migrate downstairs. I brought down the remainder of my stash and started to sort. I found no less than 4 old acrylic, huge, giant, crappy beanies, a ton of acrylic yarn, and a bunch of stuff I had no idea what to do with.
So I sorted.
And sorted.
And ended up putting all 4 hats on my head at once, too.
I went from this:

to this:

I started nodding before I even looked at the mountain that had started to form around the chair I had been sitting in lately. I'd been meaning to take the stuff back upstairs or at least try to figure out a way to make some semblance of order out of all my knitting bags and baskets. Somehow about half of my stash (and my needle box) had managed to migrate downstairs. I brought down the remainder of my stash and started to sort. I found no less than 4 old acrylic, huge, giant, crappy beanies, a ton of acrylic yarn, and a bunch of stuff I had no idea what to do with.
So I sorted.
And sorted.
And ended up putting all 4 hats on my head at once, too.
I went from this:

to this:

No, all of the yarn did not get tossed. I sorted it. I can't believe I finally did it, but I sorted it. I now have bags in the aforementioned bar cupboard stuffed with yarn, and I have them categorized. There is a bag with really old acrylic stuff I'll likely never use. Maybe I can make some dishtowels out of it or something. There is a bag of stuff that an auntie brought me once - her twin daughters had a knitting fad...and then it wore off, and they had a ton of yarn lying around the house, so I got it. Most of it is either homespun or exciting novelty yarn - I might be able to use it someday. Then, there's the bag of things I should really rip out. This isn't a very big bag - just stuff that I need to take care of so that I can save the yarn and put it to good use somewhere else.
So, what's in the knitting bag now? I stuck my current projects there - they're small at the moment. I also included the yarn that I'll probably be using soonest in the future - the last of my rowanspun dk, some more silja sock yarn, and a few other miscellaneous bits. I feel so...organized.
Now there's just my room to tackle. Trust me, you don't wanna see pictures of that one.
So, what's in the knitting bag now? I stuck my current projects there - they're small at the moment. I also included the yarn that I'll probably be using soonest in the future - the last of my rowanspun dk, some more silja sock yarn, and a few other miscellaneous bits. I feel so...organized.
Now there's just my room to tackle. Trust me, you don't wanna see pictures of that one.
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