I'm a terrible person.
(Sarcastically speaking)
Here's some reasons why.
1. First of all, I've been tagged by Knitasaur! That's not a reason why I'm terrible...you'll see in a minute. Anyway, I'm supposed to tell you 7 things about myself - random, weird, whatever. So, here goes!
一 日本語を話せます。(I can speak Japanese. It's my major.)
二 I have this really bizarre condition. In a nutshell, I'm allergic to extreme cold and extended cardio exercise. After I've been really cold, and then start to warm up (even slightly), any skin that was exposed to the cold breaks out in hives and itches like mad. As for the exercise one - I was running on a treadmill one day when I felt a weird tingling in my nose...I thought it was just an asthma attack, but the symptoms kept coming - my throat started to close, my skin turned red and I broke out in hives...and then my face swelled up so much that I could see the skin around my eyes in my peripheral. That was a fun day. NOT. So now I do yoga. Hehehe.
三 The worst job I ever had was this summer. I had to stand in front of this 1.2 million dollar RV all day and just smile and greet people. I was so bored I actually asked my supervisor if there was anything I could do. I asked the sales guys for information about the RV so I could answer questions (this was at a 3 day RV show). They all looked at me like I was crazy for wanting work to do. It was the worst, most exhausting job ever because I was standing in the sun for 9 hours a day. On the upside of it was that everyone working around me brought me ice cream and water whenever I wanted it. Hah!
四 I named my site summer-wind after the Frank Sinatra song. Initially, this was more of a collective of my personal interests, but when I started knitting seriously, I realized that I already had a great name for all of the things I designed...I feel like the things I make (or have planned to make) are fresh, but dynamic.
五 Honestly, I think I've been knitting for a little under a year. Maybe about a year. Not sure.
六 I haven't really considered myself much of an anime fan in the past, but this weekend I got SUCKED IN to this show called Deathnote. I watched something like 26 episodes of it on Sunday, and was up until 3 am last night watching more. It's very different from the typical American animation. If you're into drama with a little bit of a supernatural element, it's worth checking out. Here's a link to all of the episodes (with English subtitles).
七 I love goldfish crackers.
I didn't think it would be so hard to come up with 7 things about me, but that actually took me a while. I tried to pick somewhat interesting/amusing facts.
Here's the part where I'm a terrible person: I won't directly tag anyone, just because I don't really communicate with 7 people on a regular basis. So if you wanna do this, just stick 7 facts about yourself on your blog, I guess. I've never really done one of these, so if I'm breaking all the rules, I'm terribly sorry.
2. Reason number 2 why I am, in fact, a terrible person will require a list. Here's the list of things I need to knit:
- Another diamond (blob) glove.
- An entire baby blanket
- The cable luxe tunic
- The crescendo socks.
Now, tell me if any of these pictures look like any of the things on this list.

Here's some reasons why.
1. First of all, I've been tagged by Knitasaur! That's not a reason why I'm terrible...you'll see in a minute. Anyway, I'm supposed to tell you 7 things about myself - random, weird, whatever. So, here goes!
一 日本語を話せます。(I can speak Japanese. It's my major.)
二 I have this really bizarre condition. In a nutshell, I'm allergic to extreme cold and extended cardio exercise. After I've been really cold, and then start to warm up (even slightly), any skin that was exposed to the cold breaks out in hives and itches like mad. As for the exercise one - I was running on a treadmill one day when I felt a weird tingling in my nose...I thought it was just an asthma attack, but the symptoms kept coming - my throat started to close, my skin turned red and I broke out in hives...and then my face swelled up so much that I could see the skin around my eyes in my peripheral. That was a fun day. NOT. So now I do yoga. Hehehe.
三 The worst job I ever had was this summer. I had to stand in front of this 1.2 million dollar RV all day and just smile and greet people. I was so bored I actually asked my supervisor if there was anything I could do. I asked the sales guys for information about the RV so I could answer questions (this was at a 3 day RV show). They all looked at me like I was crazy for wanting work to do. It was the worst, most exhausting job ever because I was standing in the sun for 9 hours a day. On the upside of it was that everyone working around me brought me ice cream and water whenever I wanted it. Hah!
四 I named my site summer-wind after the Frank Sinatra song. Initially, this was more of a collective of my personal interests, but when I started knitting seriously, I realized that I already had a great name for all of the things I designed...I feel like the things I make (or have planned to make) are fresh, but dynamic.
五 Honestly, I think I've been knitting for a little under a year. Maybe about a year. Not sure.
六 I haven't really considered myself much of an anime fan in the past, but this weekend I got SUCKED IN to this show called Deathnote. I watched something like 26 episodes of it on Sunday, and was up until 3 am last night watching more. It's very different from the typical American animation. If you're into drama with a little bit of a supernatural element, it's worth checking out. Here's a link to all of the episodes (with English subtitles).
七 I love goldfish crackers.
I didn't think it would be so hard to come up with 7 things about me, but that actually took me a while. I tried to pick somewhat interesting/amusing facts.
Here's the part where I'm a terrible person: I won't directly tag anyone, just because I don't really communicate with 7 people on a regular basis. So if you wanna do this, just stick 7 facts about yourself on your blog, I guess. I've never really done one of these, so if I'm breaking all the rules, I'm terribly sorry.
2. Reason number 2 why I am, in fact, a terrible person will require a list. Here's the list of things I need to knit:
- Another diamond (blob) glove.
- An entire baby blanket
- The cable luxe tunic
- The crescendo socks.
Now, tell me if any of these pictures look like any of the things on this list.

No? I didn't think so either. That's because I've got some serious start-itis over here. And I mean serious. The spinning I can kind of justify because technically it's not working on other projects...it's a different hobby altogether! Right? And the yarn in the second picture is yarn that my gram sent me while she was on her trip to England! I mean, I had to try to make a Lelah out of it, even though I knew it was never going to work, Right? Just to show that I was grateful for the gift, of course.
And those mittens? All right, I have no excuse for the mittens. At all. I just picked up the knitter's almanac one night and immediately decided that these things HAD to be mine. Who cares if it's getting warmer out and I should be making something more like Lelah? Pffft.
There's a lot of projects that I should finish up, too...

I promised Nate another pair of gloves (that actually fit him!) several months ago. Like...right after I gave him the first pair. So I cooked up this one. The keyword here is one. I think I'm very quickly coming to the conclusion that I hate knitting gloves. Or rather, I hate knitting finger holes for gloves and fingerless gloves. I will never make toe-socks, so help me God. Knitting each little tube is just so damned fiddly! And you have to make five! That's ten fiddly holes for each pair of gloves! I think that's why I enjoy the Endpaper Mitts so much...there are no finger holes. Just one nice, crisp ending. Aaah. That's the way I like it.
I guess I'll have to get over that, considering I have another fingerless glove to do, as well as a second glove for Nate (someday). I still have yet to put some elastic in the bottom of the Shedir I made a couple weeks ago (the ribbing isn't tight enough, it just slides around on your head. Very irritating).
Lots to do, as always. My major allows me a lot of free time in the evenings. The homeworks aren't very challenging, and there's only one every week. In theory, I have plenty of time to knit. I just really need to take better advantage of it, and then you all would see some progress!
Oh, and reason 3 for why I'm a terrible person? I got a good grade on my finance midterm and may have been gloating about it during class to my friend. Oops.
And those mittens? All right, I have no excuse for the mittens. At all. I just picked up the knitter's almanac one night and immediately decided that these things HAD to be mine. Who cares if it's getting warmer out and I should be making something more like Lelah? Pffft.
There's a lot of projects that I should finish up, too...

I promised Nate another pair of gloves (that actually fit him!) several months ago. Like...right after I gave him the first pair. So I cooked up this one. The keyword here is one. I think I'm very quickly coming to the conclusion that I hate knitting gloves. Or rather, I hate knitting finger holes for gloves and fingerless gloves. I will never make toe-socks, so help me God. Knitting each little tube is just so damned fiddly! And you have to make five! That's ten fiddly holes for each pair of gloves! I think that's why I enjoy the Endpaper Mitts so much...there are no finger holes. Just one nice, crisp ending. Aaah. That's the way I like it.
I guess I'll have to get over that, considering I have another fingerless glove to do, as well as a second glove for Nate (someday). I still have yet to put some elastic in the bottom of the Shedir I made a couple weeks ago (the ribbing isn't tight enough, it just slides around on your head. Very irritating).
Lots to do, as always. My major allows me a lot of free time in the evenings. The homeworks aren't very challenging, and there's only one every week. In theory, I have plenty of time to knit. I just really need to take better advantage of it, and then you all would see some progress!
Oh, and reason 3 for why I'm a terrible person? I got a good grade on my finance midterm and may have been gloating about it during class to my friend. Oops.
I enjoy your blog. Boy, if you're a terrible person than I might as well dig a hole to hell now! ha ha...
HEY My daughter has the same condition- she's allergic to cold. (Cold Urdicaria???)
And I still can't figure out why you're a terrible person. ;)
You're not terrible, you are terribly interesting! A Japanese-speaking RV model too smart for her job with superhero-like allergies... :)
I'm with you on the finger-hate. I've knit 6 or 7 pairs of gloves this winter and boy am I sick of 'em! Yours are looking good though.
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