A case of the mondays
I seem to come down with a case of these once a week. Thursday night through Sunday evening is usually prime time for me. But Monday? Monday is relentless. Monday never fails to smite me like the fist of an angry God. Well, maybe that's a little bit too severe a phrase to use, but you get the point. First, let me backtrack a bit.
Thursday evening, after a nice session of yoga, I come home, and successfully bake myself a tasty cake from scratch.

Alisha: 1 Universe: 0
I let it cool (I think), and then attempt to move the cake onto a plate. Cake splits in two, and tasty crumbs go all over my counter.
Alisha: 1 Universe: 1
No problem. Cake may not be pretty, but cake is still tasty. Roommate confirms this. We stand in the kitchen picking bites off the side of the cake and saying "mmmm" repeatedly. I make a note to make this cake more often...without breaking it into pieces.
Friday: Head up to Nate's house. Discover that he is feeling stressed about his education and his future. Discuss options, give girlfriendly support. Succeed in (seeming to) make him feel better. Spend an excellent evening with friends.
Alisha: 2 Universe: 1
Saturday: Do a weensy bit of grocery shopping with Nate. We both decided to roughly split the cost of groceries, since I eat half of his food on the weekends, anyway. I handed the checker a card, and was told the "account number was invalid". Confusion results. I try again, and get the same message. I am told that this establishment does not accept "Debit visa" cards. I stare dumbfounded at Nate, who is holding a Debit Visa card he has just successfully used. He looks as confused as I do. I break out a different debit visa card, and it works. Unfortunately for me, I was doing my best NOT to touch any money in that account (my primary checking account). At least I know that if anyone robs me (god forbid) over the next few days, all they'll get out of me is about 4 dollars and some change.
Alisha: 2 Universe: 2
Sunday: Successfully complete business project on time and submit it. All group projects for business are now officially finished. Rejoice.
Alisha: 3 Universe: 2
Monday: Head back home. Successfully make it to class. My Japanese skeelz were actually applauded by my classmate and teacher today. I attempt humility, and likely fail.
Alisha: 4 Universe: 2
Head to work. Work let me know a few weeks back that they would be hiring an administrative assistant as a full time position, since my hours are very much part-time. They told me my role in the office would change a bit, but they'd like to still keep me. No problemo. The new administrative assistant lady was in the office today, and I was introduced to her. They showed her around the building, talked with her, and introduced her to the rest of the staff. I worked away at a big stack of papers. One of my coworkers (he's a professor at the university) walked into the room where my desk is and said: "You know...right now they're trying to figure out how to make this new assistant thing work without having to fire you."
Alisha: 4 Universe: 5
Thanks, man. Thanks a lot. To make matters worse, after he said it, he just started to laugh. I panic, and bring home a giant stack of papers to get as many hours in as humanly possible just in case I need to look for another job sometime in the near future.

New assistant doesn't start till April, but that's my birthday, and call me selfish, but I'd hate to be stressed out about jobs and money and miss the chance to properly celebrate my 21st.
Right now, the universe is winning, but only by a little. I figure that as long as I stay on top of it, I'll conquer all the irksome little things that have been popping up for me to deal with lately. I'm going to be busy. It's going to be OK, though, because I have yarn and candy. Plus, something I once read on Yarn Harlot has stuck with me for a very long time: "It's all going to be OK in the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end." Yeah. I like it.
Thursday evening, after a nice session of yoga, I come home, and successfully bake myself a tasty cake from scratch.

Alisha: 1 Universe: 0
I let it cool (I think), and then attempt to move the cake onto a plate. Cake splits in two, and tasty crumbs go all over my counter.
Alisha: 1 Universe: 1
No problem. Cake may not be pretty, but cake is still tasty. Roommate confirms this. We stand in the kitchen picking bites off the side of the cake and saying "mmmm" repeatedly. I make a note to make this cake more often...without breaking it into pieces.
Friday: Head up to Nate's house. Discover that he is feeling stressed about his education and his future. Discuss options, give girlfriendly support. Succeed in (seeming to) make him feel better. Spend an excellent evening with friends.
Alisha: 2 Universe: 1
Saturday: Do a weensy bit of grocery shopping with Nate. We both decided to roughly split the cost of groceries, since I eat half of his food on the weekends, anyway. I handed the checker a card, and was told the "account number was invalid". Confusion results. I try again, and get the same message. I am told that this establishment does not accept "Debit visa" cards. I stare dumbfounded at Nate, who is holding a Debit Visa card he has just successfully used. He looks as confused as I do. I break out a different debit visa card, and it works. Unfortunately for me, I was doing my best NOT to touch any money in that account (my primary checking account). At least I know that if anyone robs me (god forbid) over the next few days, all they'll get out of me is about 4 dollars and some change.
Alisha: 2 Universe: 2
Sunday: Successfully complete business project on time and submit it. All group projects for business are now officially finished. Rejoice.
Alisha: 3 Universe: 2
Monday: Head back home. Successfully make it to class. My Japanese skeelz were actually applauded by my classmate and teacher today. I attempt humility, and likely fail.
Alisha: 4 Universe: 2
Head to work. Work let me know a few weeks back that they would be hiring an administrative assistant as a full time position, since my hours are very much part-time. They told me my role in the office would change a bit, but they'd like to still keep me. No problemo. The new administrative assistant lady was in the office today, and I was introduced to her. They showed her around the building, talked with her, and introduced her to the rest of the staff. I worked away at a big stack of papers. One of my coworkers (he's a professor at the university) walked into the room where my desk is and said: "You know...right now they're trying to figure out how to make this new assistant thing work without having to fire you."
Alisha: 4 Universe: 5
Thanks, man. Thanks a lot. To make matters worse, after he said it, he just started to laugh. I panic, and bring home a giant stack of papers to get as many hours in as humanly possible just in case I need to look for another job sometime in the near future.

New assistant doesn't start till April, but that's my birthday, and call me selfish, but I'd hate to be stressed out about jobs and money and miss the chance to properly celebrate my 21st.
Right now, the universe is winning, but only by a little. I figure that as long as I stay on top of it, I'll conquer all the irksome little things that have been popping up for me to deal with lately. I'm going to be busy. It's going to be OK, though, because I have yarn and candy. Plus, something I once read on Yarn Harlot has stuck with me for a very long time: "It's all going to be OK in the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end." Yeah. I like it.
That Yarn Harlot can be really wise sometimes.
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