Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hat Wars Episode Two: The Lamb's Pride Strikes Back

It seems like as soon as I blog about something I'm working on, I immediately feel the need to throw it in a corner and cast on for something else I deem more exciting at the time. That's precisely what I did after I wrote about the Nordic Sweetheart hat a few days ago.

Hence the title of this post - I knit a hat (Guinan, from Kim over at Yarn Abuse) out of a skein of Lamb's Pride over about 2 and a half days. I think it needs a good blocking. Right now, I look more rastafarian than slouchy-chic when wearing it, and the latter is kind of what I was going for.

I think I'll give it a bath tonight and check out the results.

Last night I also kept myself busy by doing something I've wanted to experiment with for a long time - making a light box. It's pretty much exactly what it sounds like - a box in which you put...light. And then you take pictures and they look way better than they would if they were not in the light box. I grabbed a bunch of things that happened to be on my desk at the time I finished the project, and then took a picture with the macro setting on my digital camera (which is nothing fancy, just so you know). I am pleasantly amazed.

It's going to take a little more practice to really figure out how best to manipulate the light and the box to suit my photos, but these pictures make me happy. The box cost me absolutely zero dollars, and maybe 10-15 minutes to make. I found the instructions via google, and all that's involved is a cardboard box, some tracing paper (I used regular computer paper, which doesn't let as much light in, but it works), and some tape. That's it. You also need a light source. Here's what my ghetto setup looks like:

Isn't it funny to think that such neat-looking pictures are being taken in something that looks so run-down and funky? Three cheers for whoever came up with this design. The only downside is that my box is rather small - I have bigger boxes, but I have neither the required amount of tracing paper nor the space to store something that large (unless I shove it into my closet, but then it might crumble, and I would cry). Still, it's certainly going to help me with taking pictures because so often the only time I have to photograph things is at night - not the best lighting, let me tell you.

Now that Guinan is finished, the only things I currently have on the needles are the Sweetheart Hat and a baby blanket that is currently 4 feet by 2 feet. I just can't seem to find the motivation to work on that thing. It's soft and cuddly and warm and pretty, but...SO. HEAVY. Someone needs to threaten to smite me if I don't have it finished in two weeks or something. That might do the trick. Or how about...if I finish the blanket, I get to make myself these amazing cupcakes that I saw over at Although I don't usually have much of a sweet tooth, my stomach makes inappropriate noises and I begin to swoon when I see it. I really want to track down the recipe ASAP. Who could resist? Not me. Can you?

Now, I've got some procrastination to attend to, and a baby blanket to think really hard about (better than nothing, right?).

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hat Wars Episode One: A New Noro

Alternately titled: The day I fixed the blog situation and finally got things back on track.

If you've attempted to visit the site anytime over the last few days, I'm really sorry that it was non-existent. When I got my invoice to renew the site, it said it was due on the 21st (which is today), but they decided my site would no longer be accessible on the 15th or 16th. This caused confusion, which has since been resolved. Hooray - now I can update again!

Since I've been gone, I got to celebrate my 21st birthday a second time! It was a blast both times, and I got to wear my new best friend (read: little black dress) out in public while drinking overpriced alcohol. See below evidence.

In knitting land...I got a gift certificate for my birthday as some of you may remember, so I decided to run out and get the makings for the Nordic Sweetheart Hat. I grabbed a ball of...

Noro sock yarn!

It is so beautiful. I picked the skein with the brightest tones I could, because I'm knitting the hat with one strand of white and another strand of the Noro. I may be addicted to that color changing effect. I am not, however, addicted to the price. Hence the reason I used my gift certificate to purchase it. The hat is still in its early phases. I will post a picture of it when it has reached a point of...excitingness. I have some more rows in the first chart to complete before we reach that stage.

Tomorrow the yarn harlot will be in Portland to do her talk and book signing. I had been planning on going forever, but the gas money and the time it takes just aren't going to figure into my schedule quite right. School and work are keeping me pretty busy lately. I've just taken on a third part time job! That isn't as bad as it sounds - two of them are work from home, and one of them only requires I spend 6 hours in an office on campus doing general office stuff. Still, I stay busy...because I like to pay my bills, don't you?

For those of you who plan on going to see Stephanie tomorrow (or at any of her future tour dates) I hope you have fun!

Quick Edit: 50th post! Yay!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dear Planet:

Today I turned 21. In the United States, that means you're finally legally allowed to buy and drink alcohol. I had a really simple, but really great day. I was hit with barrage of well-wishing text messages all throughout the morning, sent a bunch of cards, and got to have an excellent dinner with some friends. I purchased my first drink in public (and yes, they checked my ID!), drank it, and ordered another one.

I had a rather large bill for such a small meal, that's for sure.

My roomie baked me a delicious cake, too!

I was sung to by my friend Max - it was the most hilarious and best birthday song ever. My brother's girlfriend got me a gift certificate to one of the local yarn shops, too! I was so excited! I can't wait to go and spend it. I might be able to make a hat I've been thinking of for a long time!

We then decided it was time for me to buy something in a store. 711 wouldn't allow me to purchase anything, despite it being my actual birthday. I'm not entirely clear on their policies, but even though it clearly said on my license that today, the 8th, is my birthday, the guy wouldn't let me buy anything.

I went to the grocery store across the street - my roommate came in to buy some cereal and milk while I picked out something - anything to buy, and the cashier wouldn't let me buy THAT because I knew my roommate, who did not have ID.

One of my friends suggested the little market near his house, and they all decided that nobody would go inside with me - I would head in, pick something out, and walk away. I just wanted to buy it - that's all. I grabbed a really huge, really cheap bottle of Mike's hard lemonade.

The guy behind the counter asked for my ID, and after verifying it, started asking me a ZILLION questions. He saw that it was my 21st birthday, and asked things like: what are you up to tonight? What did you do tonight? Where did you go to dinner? What are you doing for the rest of the night? What are you doing this weekend? I'm still not sure whether he was skeptical about my ID, if he was just being friendly, or if he was hitting on me, but whatever it was, I FINALLY walked out of a store with my own alcohol in my hands. Triumph!

So now it's late on a Tuesday night, I'm sitting in bed drinking Mike's hard lemonade just to prove that I can, and I've got quizzes and classes to get to tomorrow (not until 1, thank goodness). This Friday, I'll get to have my big birthday party - a big group of friends and I will all get dressed up and head out to dinner together. I'm definitely looking forward to it.

In knitting news (I know I haven't said much about knitting lately, sorry), I ripped out the beginnings of the mohair and restarted. Mohair is not fun to rip, let me tell you.

I much prefer mohair either knit up, or in its ball state. Much more agreeable. Pretty, too! I think it looks like a little puff of snow.

I've re-caston (I'm inventing my own terms now) for the project...on size 0 needles. I think this is probably a really really really bad idea. Size 2 was terrifying enough, but knitting an entire flowy tunic on size 0 needles? I'm going to have to rethink this one.

Also, countdown to the end of the baby blanket - I'm about 2 feet in to the thing. It is monstrous and heavy. It is, however, snuggly and cozy and baby friendly. It kind of makes me wish I got to keep it so that I could snuggle up in it and suck my thumb.

Tomorrow - I want to venture out to the knitting store where my gift card can be redeemed - I've already got a good idea of what I want to use it on. Here's a hint - Noro Sock Yarn + Fingering Weight White Yarn = Hat. Ohhhhhh yeah. Just you wait. You'll want one too. Maybe. I hope.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm so confused

I apologize for the blog lately - something really strange is going on, and I don't know how to fix it. Several times over the last few days, for no reason at all, my blog has reverted back to really old entries from November, and I don't know why. It's really really frustrating, and I have no idea how to fix it.

Bear with me while I try to figure this out...and if anyone has a clue why this is happening, it would really be helpful to me!