Hat Wars Episode One: A New Noro
Alternately titled: The day I fixed the blog situation and finally got things back on track.
If you've attempted to visit the site anytime over the last few days, I'm really sorry that it was non-existent. When I got my invoice to renew the site, it said it was due on the 21st (which is today), but they decided my site would no longer be accessible on the 15th or 16th. This caused confusion, which has since been resolved. Hooray - now I can update again!
Since I've been gone, I got to celebrate my 21st birthday a second time! It was a blast both times, and I got to wear my new best friend (read: little black dress) out in public while drinking overpriced alcohol. See below evidence.

If you've attempted to visit the site anytime over the last few days, I'm really sorry that it was non-existent. When I got my invoice to renew the site, it said it was due on the 21st (which is today), but they decided my site would no longer be accessible on the 15th or 16th. This caused confusion, which has since been resolved. Hooray - now I can update again!
Since I've been gone, I got to celebrate my 21st birthday a second time! It was a blast both times, and I got to wear my new best friend (read: little black dress) out in public while drinking overpriced alcohol. See below evidence.

In knitting land...I got a gift certificate for my birthday as some of you may remember, so I decided to run out and get the makings for the Nordic Sweetheart Hat. I grabbed a ball of...
Noro sock yarn!

Noro sock yarn!

It is so beautiful. I picked the skein with the brightest tones I could, because I'm knitting the hat with one strand of white and another strand of the Noro. I may be addicted to that color changing effect. I am not, however, addicted to the price. Hence the reason I used my gift certificate to purchase it. The hat is still in its early phases. I will post a picture of it when it has reached a point of...excitingness. I have some more rows in the first chart to complete before we reach that stage.
Tomorrow the yarn harlot will be in Portland to do her talk and book signing. I had been planning on going forever, but the gas money and the time it takes just aren't going to figure into my schedule quite right. School and work are keeping me pretty busy lately. I've just taken on a third part time job! That isn't as bad as it sounds - two of them are work from home, and one of them only requires I spend 6 hours in an office on campus doing general office stuff. Still, I stay busy...because I like to pay my bills, don't you?
For those of you who plan on going to see Stephanie tomorrow (or at any of her future tour dates) I hope you have fun!
Quick Edit: 50th post! Yay!
Tomorrow the yarn harlot will be in Portland to do her talk and book signing. I had been planning on going forever, but the gas money and the time it takes just aren't going to figure into my schedule quite right. School and work are keeping me pretty busy lately. I've just taken on a third part time job! That isn't as bad as it sounds - two of them are work from home, and one of them only requires I spend 6 hours in an office on campus doing general office stuff. Still, I stay busy...because I like to pay my bills, don't you?
For those of you who plan on going to see Stephanie tomorrow (or at any of her future tour dates) I hope you have fun!
Quick Edit: 50th post! Yay!
It's 6:30pm here and the warmest day of the year so far! Your cocktail may have been overpriced, but it looks pretty good from where I'm sitting! You look great in your LBD btw. Congrats on your 50th post too. :D
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